Jun 4, 2012

Things I have with me when writing letters / お手紙アイテム

When writing letters, what do you usually have with you besides, of course, pen and paper?  Today I would like to introduce my letter-writing items.  First of all, let me introduce my best friend, “Ms. Electronic Dictionary”. :)
I’m a horrible speller, so I have to check my spelling with her especially if the word contains more than 8 alphabets. :p  By the way, do you have any specific word that you always have trouble spelling?  For some reason, I can't spell "congratulation" and often misspell it as "congraturation".  I don't like spelling "definitely" either.  I often misspell it as "definetely". :$  I also use her to look up words, of course.  She is so smart! :D
And a cup of tea.  I love all different kinds of flavors, but my favorite is green tea.  I just started to document all the foreign tea I tried in a notebook to remember the flavor and also to collect the package.  This is the page that I documented tea received from my Lithuanian pal.
I write down the ingredients, color of the tea, country, the taste and how I liked it. :)  I hope I can try lots of different flavors from all over the world and make this notebook thicker with all the tea packages! :)

Do you drink anything when writing your letter?



にほんブログ村 英語ブログへ


  1. Love your post :)
    I also have problems when it comes to spelling. I have problems to spell the words such as 'mischievous' and 'souvenir' I tend to put an 'i' after the alphabet 'v' for the first word and an 'e' after 'i' in the second word XD
    Well mostly, I just drink plain water while writing... but once in a while I craze for chocolates :) Weird ... XD

    1. "Souvenir" is another word that I'm not so good at spelling. I often mispell "souvenier"! :D I do eat chocolates often, too! They help me keep my brain working in English mood! :)

  2. Awwww I want an electronic dictionary like yours! *o* I have to use the translator aplication on my cellphone =P but the most important thing I need is MUSIC!! *ω*

    1. My cellphone does have a translation application, but it doesn't have as much words as my electronic dictionary. :p Music is also good! :)

  3. that dictionary looks so neat! I generally use an online dictionary since my PC is on all day hehe.
    Your english is VERY good, I could never write japanese as good as you write english!
    <3 have a great week!

    1. Thanks! Writing letters help me a lot to learn English. :)

  4. I don't know how many words I misspell, but actually I think my pen pals have to live with that - as I write most of my letters when I'm not at home I don't have my dictionary with me (I use a book, if I'm using any...) so I can't check back. I have made bad experiences with wanting to check back later - I sometimes just forgot and then there was a word missing in the letter -.- Annoying.

    1. Hahaha. English spelling is a bit tricky! There're some words spelled very similar but completely different meaning, and one time I wrote "Japanese rice is very stinky" where I wanted to write "sticky" instead of "stincky". lol Wrong!! lol Since then, I'm more careful about my spelling! :D

  5. Ah yes spelling, I usually get the words right, or turn letters around. When I'm not near a computer (I look words up or use the spell checker in screens like this when I use Firefox) my penpals have to put up with little mistakes ;)
    Think they English speaking penpals understand when English isn't your first language and the others probably have the same difficulties ;)

    And coffe or tea usually with chocolate when writing letters

    1. I forgot about chocolates! I do have chocolates with me very often (sugar helps me to keep my brain work in English mood). :)

  6. I use my cellphone or ipod to look up misspelled words, I also like to keep my little "found objects" box with me so that I can stick little trinkets in with my letters. I keep my address book in front of me too. I typically don't eat or drink anything - too afraid I'll spill something lol. Definitely is one of my most common misspelled words too. I normally spell it defiantly lol

    1. I can still get what "difiantly" is even it' misspelled. :D In English, there're some words that I just wish if the alphabet could be just removed like "knife". What is this "k" doing here?! lol

  7. Oh, Lithuanian tea! I love to drink tea, especially when I read or reply to letters, it has became my ritual.

    1. Those Lithuanian teas were SO good!!! I esp. loved the one at the bottom as I love the peppermint flavor! You guys have great teas there! :D
