May 16, 2012

Card from Poland (ポーランド)

I received this lovely card from a girl in Poland via Postcrossing.  She translated the words on the card for me, and it says "The food of heart is goodness and love."  Very lovely. :)
I love food postcard not only because I love eating (*smile*) but also I can learn a lot about the country and culture from food. :)  For example, let's say you have absolutely no information about Japan, but you know one of our most popular food is sushi (vinegared rice topped with fresh raw fish), you may guess that Japan is somewhere near the ocean. ;)  Those breads in the postcard above must taste different from our breads.  Hmm...I want to have a bite! :D

ポーランドの女性から素敵なパンのカードが届きました。カードには『The food of heart is goodness and love.(食の心は優しさと愛)』とありました。食べ物のカードは大好きです。ただ単に私が食べることが大好きだから、というのもありますが、それ以上に食を通じてその国を知ることができるからです。例えば、日本のことを全く知らない人でも、生魚を使う寿司が日本で人気だと聞けば、日本は海に面した国なのかな?と想像ができたりしますよね(^^)届いたカードのパン、きっと日本のパンとは味が違うんだんろうな~。一口でいいから食べてみたい!

にほんブログ村 英語ブログへ


  1. Interesting observations about food! You make a good point.

  2. Hi,
    I just discovered your blog and I like it and have linked yours to mine. Hope it's ok. By the way, I love breads and I really find this postcard interesting :) And yeah, lots of variety of breads there too :)

    1. Thanks a lot for linking my blog to yours. I will do follow your blog, too. :) I do like breads, too, but those ones on the card are different from ours, so I'm so curious how they taste like! :)
